
Momentan sind Playlists für 1.651 Sendungen vorhanden.

Sendung vom 03.04.2011

Erste Stunde

Interpret Titel Zeit von: Album/EP/Single Label S.
01 GlasvegasPain Pain never again/The World is yours 8:00Euphoric HeartbreakColumbia
02 SugarIf I can´t change your mind3:19Copper blueCreation
03 The CrookesGodless girls3:43Chasing after ghostsFierce Panda
04 The TunicsLow3:26Dabbler´s HandbookManta Ray Music
05 The KillsBaby says4:28Blood PressuresDomino
06 Chain & the GangMusic´s not for everyone5:04Music´s not for everyoneK Records
07 RadioheadLotus flower4:57The King of LimbsXL
08 CeremonySomeday 3:23Rocket fireKiller Pimp
09 The Pains of being pure at heartHeavens gonna happen now3:53BelongPlay it again Sam
10 Lykke LiI follow rivers6:10Monty PythonAtlantic
11 Wye OakThe Alter3:42CivilianCity Slang

Sendung vom 03.04.2011

Zweite Stunde

Interpret Titel Zeit von: Album/EP/Single Label S.
01 Nine inch NailsHurt4:40The Downward SpiralIsland
02 The Naked & FamousThe Sun:15Passive me, aggressive youFiction
03 The Naked & FamousJilted lovers:45Passive me, aggressive youFiction
04 The Naked & FamousNo Way4:27Passive me, aggressive youFiction
05 The Naked & FamousGirls like you3:45Passive me, aggressive youFiction
06 The Naked & FamousYoung Blood:40Passive me, aggressive youFiction
07 The Naked & FamousAll of this4:07Passive me, aggressive youFiction

Sendung vom 10.04.2011

Erste Stunde

Interpret Titel Zeit von: Album/EP/Single Label S.
01 GlasvegasShine like stars3:58Euphoric HeartbreakColumbia
02 Simple MindsLove Song5:03Sons and FascinationVirgin
03 FoundI´ll wake up with a seismic head no more4:20FactorycraftChemikal Underground
04 The WombatsTechno fan5:05This modern glitch14th floor
05 Carter the Unstoppable Sex MachineBloodsport for all5:0530 SomethingRough Trade
06 Chapel ClubSurfacing3:43PalaceLoog
07 Sad day for puppetsSuch a waste4:22Pale silver shiny & goldHa Ha Fonogram
08 JenifereverDover4:51SilesiaMonotreme
09 Terror BirdShadows in the halls2:26Rough Trade shops-Synth waveRough Trade
10 Michachu & the Shapes & the London SinfoniettaFall3:46Michachu & the Shapes & the London SinfoniettaRough Trade
11 RadioheadCodex4:47The king of limbsXL

Sendung vom 10.04.2011

Zweite Stunde

Interpret Titel Zeit von: Album/EP/Single Label S.
01 Alt TrackSpeakers6:43The Insomnia SessionsBomber Music
02 StatelessAssasinations4:10MatildaNinja Tune
03 Paris Suit YourselfLost my girl4:17My main shitstainBig Dada
04 Does it offend you yeahWe are the dead3:54Don´t say we didn´t warn youCooking Vinyl
05 The LuyasCold Canada3:40Too beautiful to workDead Oceans
06 AustraLose it4:29Lose itLose it
07 Rainbow ArabiaWithout you3:33Boys & DiamondsKompakt
08 LadytronDestroy everything you touch 4:33Best of Ladytron 00-10Nettwerk
09 LadytronAce of Hz3:38Best of Ladytron 00-10Nettwerk
10 Le Corps Mince de FrancoiseFuture me4:10Love & NatureHeavenly
11 Delay TreesAbout Brothers4:018Delay TreesCargo

Sendung vom 16.04.2011

Erste Stunde

Interpret Titel Zeit von: Album/EP/Single Label S.
01 LadytronGhosts4:37Best of Ladytron 00-10Nettwerk
02 TV on the RadioWill do3:45Nine types of lightInterscope
03 James BlakeThe Wilhelm Scream4:37James BlakeAtlas
04 Rainbow ArabiaSequenced6:05Boys & DiamondsKompakt
05 Michachu & the Shapes & the London SinfoniettaEverything3:50Michachu & the Shapes & the London SinfoniettaRough Trade
06 ViolensAnother strike restrained4:05AmoralStatic Recital
07 CeremonyRegret3:30Rocket fireKiller Pimp
08 New OrderRuined in a day4:23RepublicCentredate
09 Sad day for puppetsAnna say Part II3:12Pale silver & shiny goldHaha fonogram
10 The Heart ThrobsHooligan3:59Jubilee TwistOne little indian
11 Lis er stilleThe real children4:15The CollibroLis er stille Records
12 RadioheadGive up the ghost4:55The King of LimbsXL

Sendung vom 16.04.2011

Zweite Stunde

Interpret Titel Zeit von: Album/EP/Single Label S.
01 Buffalo TomOut of the dark4:10SkinsScrawny
02 Buffalo TomWould not be denied3:45Big red letter dayBeggars Banquet
03 GlasvegasYou4:33Euphoric HeartbreakColumbia
04 The Pains of being pure at heartBelong4:12BelongPIAS
05 JenifereverSilesia6:50SilesiaMonotreme
06 The Bear QuartetYou You You You You You4:54Monty PythonAdrian Recordings
07 New Found LandThe Bell3:20The bellFixe
08 Lykke LiI know places6:03Wounded RhymesAtlantic
09 La SeraBeating Heart2:57La SeraHardly Art
10 Lia IcesDaphne5:15Lia IcesJagjaguwar
11 SpokesGive it up to the night5:12Everyone I ever metCounter

Sendung vom 17.04.2011

Erste Stunde

Interpret Titel Zeit von: Album/EP/Single Label S.
01 The Saint CatherinesChub E & Hank III Vimont stories PartII3:40Fire WorksBuf Recordings
02 The DearsOmega Dog5:00Degeneration StreetV2
03 The DearsLost in the Plot4:48No Cities LeftBella Union
04 The ThermalsPower Lies2:58Personal lifeKillrockstars
05 The ThermalsHere´s your future2:28The body, the blood, the machineSub Pop
06 The CoathangersHurricane2:23ScrambleSuicide Squeeze
07 Pianos become the teethPensive4:44Old prideTopshelf
08 The Chapman FamilyAnxiety3:12Burn your townElectric Toaster
09 Chapel ClubThe Shore6:03PalaceLoog
10 Wild PalmsLHC Carmations6:30Until SpringOne little Indian
11 SpokesEveryone I ever met7:41Everyone I ever metCounter

Sendung vom 17.04.2011

Zweite Stunde

Interpret Titel Zeit von: Album/EP/Single Label S.
01 ElbowOne day like this3:55The seldom seen kidFiction
02 ElbowNeat little rows5:40Build a rocket boys!Fiction
03 ElbowJesus was a Rochdale girl3:18Build a rocket boys!Fiction
04 ElbowBirds8:04Build a rocket boys!Fiction
05 ElbowLippy Kids6:03Build a rocket boys!Fiction
06 ElbowOpen arms4:54Build a rocket boys!Fiction

Sendung vom 24.04.2011

Erste Stunde

Interpret Titel Zeit von: Album/EP/Single Label S.
01 Chapel ClubAll the eastern girls4:37PalaceLoog
02 Die Die DieDaze4:13FormGolden Antenna
03 The Naked & FamousA Wolf in Geek´s clothing3:14Passive me , aggressive youFiction
04 Francis International AirportAmnesiacs4:22In the woodsSiluh
05 LowlineGun in my side3:38LowlineLowlineofficial
06 YuckGet away3:36YuckPharmacy
07 Dinosaur JrThe Wagon4:51Green mindBlanco y Negro/WEA
08 Sad Day for PuppetsMonster & the beast5:13Pale silver shiny goldHa Ha Fonogram
09 You say france & I whistleOMG3:26You say france & I whistle EPPitch Music
10 Van MorrissonThe way young lovers do3:18Astral WeeksWarner Bros.
11 RadioheadHelplessness Blues4:47The king of limbsXL
12 Fleet FoxesSpeakers5:21Helplessness bluesBella Union
13 Chapel ClubDepths1:47PalaceLoog

Sendung vom 24.04.2011

Zweite Stunde

Interpret Titel Zeit von: Album/EP/Single Label S.
01 Chapel ClubTelluride5:48Wintering EPLoog
02 FeederDown to the River5:23RenegadesBig Teeth/PIAS
03 Alexander TuckerHis arm has grown long4:56DorwytchThrill Jockey
04 About GroupA sinking song3:39Start & CompleteDomino
05 Talk TalkAscension day6:00Laughing StockPolydor
06 IslajaDadahuulet4:08Keraaminen PääFonal
07 The UnthanksStarless6:00LastRough Trade
08 King CrimsonStarless6:10RedIsland
09 SkeletonsLil Rich6:32PeopleCrammed
10 Life in filmSorry3:37SorryLife in film records